service rules service rules

The Moon-Land portal was created on the personal initiative of a group of people, professionals in the field of Internet technologies and fans of the game Lineage 2, provides you (an individual, hereinafter referred to as the Player) access to servers of the private non-commercial version of the game Lineage II (hereinafter referred to as the Game). The servers are based on the chronicles of Interlude, created and intended for those who want to get acquainted with the game. If you want to play the full official version of Lineage II, you should visit the official server. All rights to the Game client and the software used by the Player belong to NCsoft.

From the moment of registration confirmation, you automatically agree to these rules. Ignorance of the rules does not absolve from responsibility for their violation. If you do not agree with any paragraph of the rules of the Service, you must refuse to play on the servers of the Moon-Land portal.

The administration reserves the right to make any changes to the rules of the Service without prior notice to the Player. All Players must independently monitor changes in the rules.

1. General Provisions

1.1 All accounts, as well as all their content, are the property of the Administration.

1.2 The player has the right to register two or more accounts.

1.3 When registering an account, the Player undertakes to indicate a valid e-mail, and throughout the entire period of using the account, not to lose and not transfer access to the specified e-mail address to anyone.

1.4 The Player who registered the account is responsible, regardless of who performed actions under this account.

1.5 It is forbidden to transfer your account data to third parties.

Punishment: blocking all accounts.

1.6 IT IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to enter other people's accounts, even at the request of the Player who registered this account.

Punishment: deletion of all accounts of the violator without the possibility of recovery.

1.7 The administration is not responsible for any damage caused by playing on the servers of the Service.

1.8 The Administration is not responsible for the temporary or permanent impossibility of playing on the servers of the Service by a specific person or group of persons.

1.9 The administration reserves the right to make any changes on the servers and the site without prior notice to the Player.

1.10 The administration never interferes with the gameplay, except in cases of violation of the rules, carrying out planned events, or ongoing work.

1.11 In violation of the rules, the Administration has the right at any time, without giving reasons, to close access to the Service to a particular Player or a group of Players, and to block access to the Service by IP or subnet.

1.12 In case of violation of any paragraph of the rules against the Player, the Player can file a complaint with the Administration by e-mail or from his personal account, providing evidence of the violation (screenshots, video).

2. Interaction with the Administration

2.1 It is forbidden to contact the Administration unless necessary and flood into a private chat. Flooding means questions not related to the game, as well as phrases like: "hi", "hello", "are you here?", "Can I ask a question?", "Ay", etc. When contacting a representative of the Administration, the Player must fully state the question, clearly formulating the problem, and wait for an answer. (The server administration reserves the right not to answer questions)

Punishment: prison from 1 hour.

2.2 Party, Friend, Clan, Ally, or Trade request to Game Master (hereinafter GM) without his prior consent.

Punishment: prison from 1 hour.

2.3 Disrespectful attitude and threats against the Administration or the project are prohibited.

Punishment: account blocking, up to account deletion.

2.4 It is forbidden to attack GMs in the game, without their prior consent.

Punishment: prison from 2 hours, before the account is blocked.

2.5 It is forbidden to argue with the GM, pleading, discussing punishment, and challenging the actions of the Administration.

Punishment: prison from 2 hours, up to block the account.

2.6 Interference with the Administration is prohibited.

Punishment: prison from 1 hour, block the account.

2.7 It is forbidden to deceive the Administration.

Punishment: prison from 1 hour, block all accounts.

2.8 It is forbidden to publish conversations with a representative of the Administration, or their content without prior approval.

Punishment: account blocking.

2.9 It is forbidden to spread rumors, defamation about the Service and the Administration.

Punishment: blocking the account, before deleting the account.

2.10 When a representative of the Administration appears near the Player, any hostilities should be suspended, especially if they are directed against a character near which a representative of the Administration has appeared.

Punishment: prison from 2 hours.

2.11 In case of disputable situations, the Player has the right to file a complaint with the Administration by e-mail, or from his personal account, providing evidence of the violation (screenshots, video)

3 Chatting in chats

3.1 It is forbidden to flood in private to another player if he is against this flood.

Punishment: prison from 60 minutes.

3.2 Malicious begging is prohibited (accompanied by flooding in the chat).

Punishment: chat ban for 1 day.

3.3 Threats in any form are prohibited towards the Service Players and any manifestations of racism or nationalism.

Punishment: Prison from 1 hour, up to account deletion.

3.4 It is forbidden to insult parents in any form, whether direct or indirect manifestations of disrespect towards the parents of one of the Service Players.

Punishment: account ban, up to blocking all accounts.

3.5 It is forbidden to use obscene language and insult other Players in all chats of the game.

Punishment: prison from 20 minutes.

3.6 It is forbidden to use obscene language and insult others Players in the game's hero chat.

Punishment: prison from 10 hours, to bl account blocking.

3.7 It is forbidden to leave messages in the general chat that violate the laws of the Europe Union.

Punishment: deleting a game account.

3.8 It is forbidden to explicitly or indirectly advertise other online projects, sexual services, as well as posting materials of an erotic or pornographic nature.

Punishment: deleting a game account.

3.9 Forbidden publication of the content of a private chat with someone, without the prior consent of the second party (an exception may be a message about a violation of the rules by another Player).

Punishment: chat blocking from 2 days, block the account.

3.10 It is forbidden to impersonate the Administration or an authorized representative of the Administration, as well as create characters with names similar to representatives of the Administration, in which the phrases GM, ADM, or Admin are present.

Punishment: deletion of all game accounts.

4. Interaction with Players, gameplay.

4.1 It is forbidden to use words and expressions in character names, titles, and clan names that offend other Players or contain profanity.

Punishment: in the case of a clan - disbanding the clan, and blocking the clan leader's account; in the case of a character - account blocking.

Unblocking: fine.

4.2 It is forbidden to deliberately create situations in which Players cannot select an NPC without using the /target command. }}
4.3 It is forbidden to deliberately create situations in which Players cannot pass through arches, narrow passages, etc.

Punishment: prison for a period of 2 hours, up to block the account.

4.4 Prohibited mass murder (PK) of newcomers and offering them PVP, being much higher level.

Punishment: prison for a period of 10 hours, up to block all accounts.

4.5 The so-called "steam locomotives" are prohibited, i.e. it is forbidden to take mobs far away from their habitats.

Punishment: prison for a period of 2 hours, up to block the account.

5. Exchange and trade

5.1 It is forbidden to exchange, in any form, game characters and/or accounts, both within the same server and between servers. It is forbidden to mention or discuss such transactions in the game and third-party resources.

Punishment: deletion of all game accounts.

5.2 It is forbidden to exchange between servers of any game things (Adena, weapons, armor, resources, etc.). It is forbidden to mention or discuss such transactions in the game and third-party resources.

Punishment: account blocking.

5.3 It is forbidden to sell or buy for real money, as well as equated to them "electronic means of payment" (PayPal, Skrill, etc.), any game things (Adena, weapons, armor, resources, etc.). The sale of game characters and/or accounts is prohibited in any form, for any game and non-game values. It is forbidden to mention or discuss such transactions in the game and third-party resources. It is forbidden to sell accounts for anything (including in-game items)

Punishment: deletion of all game accounts.

5.4 It is forbidden to spam with messages about sales/purchases in hero chat.

Punishment: prison for a period of 1 hour.

6. Using bugs, shortcomings, cheating programs.

6.1 It is forbidden to use "other" software (software): clickers, mouse macros, bots. Gameplay automation is prohibited. Stuffing PvP coins on twinks is prohibited.

Punishment: blocking all accounts.

6.2 Unlawful access to other people's accounts is prohibited in order to steal the Player's virtual property.

Punishment: deletion of all game accounts and blocking access by IP.

6.3 It is forbidden to use server errors (bugs). If the Player knows about an error, he must immediately notify the Administration about it.

Punishment: from blocking an account to deleting all game accounts.

6.4 It is forbidden to break the rules of service sites for voting (vote more than once a day).

Punishment: Blocking all accounts.

6.5 It is forbidden to kill monsters or NPCs when they cannot hit the Player for a reason caused by methods not provided for by the game.

Punishment: account blocking.

7. Voluntary Donations

7.1 It is strictly forbidden to make voluntary donations to the Service to persons under the age of majority.

7.2 Additional bonuses in the form of Coin of Luck are provided to Players free of charge. The funds transferred by the Players as voluntary contributions are donations, do not serve as a source of profit, and are used by the Administration solely for the implementation of socially useful purposes, namely, the development of the project, rental of equipment, payment for Internet traffic, advertising, as well as other measures aimed to improve the provided Service.

7.3 It is forbidden to transfer payments to the Service initially in pursuit of fraud, as well as any other purposes that violate the laws of the Ukraine, or the rules of the Service.

7.4 The Administration is not responsible for any damage caused by the enrollment of donations from the Player.

7.5 In the event of a claim against the Player from the payment system, all the Player's accounts will be blocked, and all his data will be transferred to the security service of the mobile operator or payment system at which claims were received.

7.6 By accepting the rules of the Service, the Player guarantees that all payments are absolutely legal, transferred to the Service voluntarily as a donation, and are non-refundable. And also the fact that all payments are sent only from the account to which the Player has full rights.

8. Other

8.1 If the Player commits an act that clearly damages other Players, the gameplay, the site, but is not expressly specified in the rules, the Administration has the right to impose a punishment adequate to the committed act (up to blocking by IP and deleting all of the offender's accounts in the game).

8.2 In case of repeated violation by the Player of the same rule, the term of punishment is determined at the discretion of the Administration, but not less than the maximum penalty for violation of this rule. In addition, with frequent repetitions of violations of the rules, the Administration has the right to increase the period at will, up to the deletion of accounts and blocking by IP.